17th U.S. Infantry Pay Voucher – Later Brigadier General – SOLD


Cyrus Swan Roberts, a Civil, Indian, and Spanish American Wars veteran who retired a brigadier general in 1913.

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Cyrus Swan Roberts had quite the military career spanning 5 decades, first enlisting with the 22nd New York Infantry in 1862 as a private; mustering out shortly after into the 159th New York Infantry, where he mustered out at Washington, D.C. on June 9. 1865. He then was commissioned into the US Volunteers & Aide-De-Camp on the 22nd of June, 1865.  During his Civil War service he had risen to the ranks from private to sergeant major to captain (and regimental adjutant).  He had received two brevets shortly after the war for gallant and meritorious service at the Battles of Winchester, an Fishers Hill, Va.

He continued with the military, taking a commission as 2nd Lt. in the 17th U.S. Infantry in May of 1866, (1st lt -Sept. 1867, and captain June – 1878.)

Captain and Acting Judge Advocate General, June 1885 to April 1886. Major 17th Infantry, April 1898; LtCol. Asst Adjt Gen May 1898, resigned from Volunteer service , August 1898. LtCol. 13th Infantry, Aug. 1899, transferred to 21st Infantry, March 1901. Retired in 1902.

During the early Indian Wars, Roberts was in Co. “I”, and for some time was stationed at the Cheyenne River Agency, near Fort Yates, but missed the Sioux campaign of 1876 due to Army intelligence of sending officers away on recruiting duty (in New York), during critical times. Most of the 1870s was spent on the Frontier.

The document for pay is covers the period from 30 April to 30 June, 1871.  The document was signed by Roberts yet filled out by paymaster Rodney Smith.

Condition is fine.

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Weight .5 lbs