1812 Massachusetts Register & U.S. Calendar SOLD

A useful reference for knowing who was in the U.S. Army & Navy, and the Massachusetts Militia, & more for the War of 1812 opening year.


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The MASSACHUSETTS REGISTER  AND UNITED STATES CALENDAR FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1812, The Thirty-fifth of American Independence, Containing Civil, Judicial, Ecclesiastical, and Military Lists in MASSACHUSETTS; Associations, Corporate Institutions, for literary, agricultural, and charitable Purposes.  A List of Post-Towns in Massachusetts, with the Names of the Post Masters.  Also, Catalogues of the Officers of the GENERAL GOVERNMENT, With its several Departments and Establishment;  Times of the sitting of the Several Courts; Governors in each State; Public Duties, & USEFUL TABLES; and a Variety of other interesting Articles.    BOSTON; Published by John West & Co.

That title page just about says it all!  A great pocket sized book. The list of officers, both army and navy is complete, with a list of all the ships in the Navy in 1812.

Stiff marbled paper covers, 252 pages.

Condition is very good, a tight copy with typical wear to covers, but surprisingly very little damage other than wear on the spine edges; completely holding together superbly.


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Weight .5 lbs