2nd Type Watervliet Arsenal McKeever Cartridge Box – SOLD

An issued serviceable box with side compartment for the “Trapdoor” combination tool.

SKU: HJ-56 Category:

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2nd Type Watervliet Arsenal McKeever Cartridge Box.  Holds 20 rounds of .45/70 Government ammunition.  The second type had a swell in the side for the “Trapdoor” combination tool, brass plate on the leather tab, and two staples on the flaps that attach to the sides.  The canvas loops are in fine condition, sewn down on to thin leather plates (one has the marking for inspector “A.R. SMITH”).   “WATERVLIET ARSENAL” in two lines stamped on tap where sewn to the box.

Overall condition is very good +, being an issued Indian Wars era cartridge box.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs