Brigadier General Edwin B. Howard’s Uniform Grouping


UPDATE:  Just acquired one of General Howard’s WWII ’41 service dress coats, and his 1938 pattern dress blue uniform. Felt it best to add to the lot instead of selling separately.

The coat of OD gaberdine was made by unknown tailor, but bears the “Regulation Army Officer’s Coat” label in the outside of inner right breast pocket. This tag, seen in many coats of the WWII era, was a government program that tailors participated in, which allowed officers to know that the quality of the coat, and clothing they were purchasing was up to government standards.  The coat is in fine condition with one small moth hole on the lower back area.

This coat was probably purchased in the early part of the war prior to Howard going overseas, and no doubt saw several changes in patches, ribbon bars and movement of overseas stripes, etc.  This coat was configured to Howard’s role in 15th Army Group’s G-2 section.  He had remained with General Mark Clark all through his time in Europe; at this point serving in Austria’s occupation.  His prior unit was 5th Army (pretty much the entire time in Italy), and the 5th Army patch on the right sleeve.  Both of these patches are standard machine embroidered types. The overseas stripes have been moved to the  lower right sleeve (being originally on the left, and in two sections which were added when needed). The ghost image of the original placement on the left sleeve is still faintly visible.

The sterling stars are both pin back and identical in appearance, yet are different makers.  One is Meyers, the other Donaro. The ribbon bars are sewn into place (see below for identification).  These were the medals he was authorized at this time in 1946. The only other insignia on the coat are  the collar U.S.’s which have the early clutches.

The lining is in good condition.  Staining from clutches used at various times remain on the lining.  A nice wartime coat that was continued to be use while overseas.

Also included are “Captain Howard’s” dress blues, with his name in the tailors label.  Has the original trousers with one moth area about an inch lone on upper pant leg.  Overall in fine condition, lacking shoulder straps, ribbon bars.

These are certainly important additions to the group, unfortunately the price had to go up.  Also have two copy photos from originals of Howard and one with Eisenhower


This is a great group for an U.S. Army career officer, Edwin Britain Howard. He was born in Kentucky on December 26, 1901, and a graduate of the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, Class of 1923.

Upon graduation Howard began his military career in the 10th infantry, followed by several other regiments and stations in the states, The Panama Canal Zone, Hawaii, and the Infantry School and the Command and General Staff Schools just prior to America’s entrance into WWII.

In October 1941, Howard was assigned to duty as Assistant to the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3, General Headquarters, USA; Chief of Statistics Division, HQ Army Ground Forces in March of 1942, then assigned to II Corps in England, ACS, G-2

He landed in North Africa with II Corps until Jan. 1943 and then joined 5th Army as ACS, G-2 under Mark Clark, in the grade of Colonel. following Clark in the same position in 15th Army Group HQ.  Howard had been promoted to brigadier general as of 28 Aug, 1944.

After the war he reverted back to his Regular Army rank of full colonel, with assignments in Austria, London, Washington, etc.  In 1950 Brig.Gen. Howard was G-2 at Allied Land Forces, Central Europe, Fontainebeau, France until 1954 where upon he retired in this same rank.

His Awards include; The Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Army Commendation Medal, Croix de Guerre (France), Order of the British Empire, Grand Officer, Crown of Italy, Valor Militaire (Italy), Order of Chivalry of Saints-Maurizio and Lazzaro (Italy), Medalna de Guerre (Brazil).  Photo copies of his service record, citations for some of the higher US decorations, and bio included.

The tan uniform and trousers are matching in color, and are in very good condition with the slightest bit of wear and moth holes nearly undetectable in only a few areas.  A machine made 5th Army patch is sewn on the right sleeve. The ribbon bars and insignia are original to the coat, and un altered.  The stars on the shoulders are marked STERLING. The tan overseas cap has BALFOUR Sterling star, with a crude repair to the locking catch.  No name in either uniform or cap. Cap has a few small stains, that may clean. Rounding out the uniform is a tan web belt and brass buckle.  The shirt and tie are props only.

The West Point yearbook, HOWITZER has is personalized named embossed in gold on lower right corner of the cover.  The book is a tight copy, showing typical wear.  A blazer bullion USMA patch is probably 50- 60s?  There are two original Memorial cards made up for his funeral in 1993.

The flags are period WWII office types, silk, with leather tabs inside the hoist for attaching to poles (original quartermaster label on the inside of the brig. general’s flag.  The brigadier general flag is in very good condition and showing some fading from sunlight; the flag being stationary in sun leaving two lighter strikes running through; the US National colors show some staining on the stripes in one area, and silk damage on the lower stripes. Some pulls but mostly missing silk in these areas.  The two each have gold fringe, and the two sets of tassels are later, but came with the group.

An impressive group for an important officer on General Mark Clark’s staff in WWII.


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Additional information

Weight 25 lbs
Dimensions 21 × 15 × 11 in