WWII Ike Jacket, 13th Field Artillery Observation Bn w/ Overseas Cap SOLD

1944 Ike Jacket with 7th Corps Patch

SKU: jm19-112 Category:

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WWII Ike Jacket, 13th Field Artillery Observation Battalion w/ Overseas Cap.  There are U.S. and field artillery collar discs on the collar, and Theater-made DUIs on the lapels and overseas cap, Ruptured Duck over the right breast.   The three ribbon bars are as follows; Army Good Conduct, WWII Victory Medal, & European-African-Middle Eastern with a Silver Star (5 yr. campaign) and one arrowhead (signifies Invasion).  The marksman badge, is not sterling, the rifle ladder piece is sterling, and sharpshooter badge and the Driver-W ladder piece are both marked sterling.  On the left sleeve are a 7th Corps patch, Technical Sergeant 5th Grade chevrons and 4 Overseas service Bars (at least 2 years).  The contract label is dated June 9, 1944, Size 36R.  The overseas cap is a 7 1/4.

In overall very good condition. light blemishing/scuffing to the insignia, light staining to the inside lining of the cap.

Please refer to the photos for condition and detail.


USPS Priority $25.00

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Weight 25 lbs