Superb image of 5th Regular Army Officers, C-1867.
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Officially, I don’t currently know the name for this size image; I’ve heard gallery carte, but most likely a cabinet, but not sure if that is correct. Regardless, it is a fabulous image of four 1st U.S. Light Artillery officers in full dress uniform taken C- 1867.The NCO holding the regimental colors for Battlery “K,” 1st Artillery, is John B. Charlton. The subjects are all known, but the order may be a bit out of sorts for the officers on either end.
The figure in the center is William Montrose Graham, then a Captain of the regiment. To his left is none other that the famous writer of many a military-romance novel, 2nd Lt. Charles King. The others, if correctly identified in order, from left to right (with the exclusion of the former two are, 1st Lt. Ballard S. Humphrey, Charlton, and 1st Lt. John J. Driscoll. This information came from Charlton’s book, “The Old Sergeant’s Story: Winning the West, New York, 1926.”
All are wearing the pattern uniform worn during the Civil War, with the later addition of the light artillery shako added in 1864. All appear to be hold cavalry sabers, not the 1840 artillery saber.
According to Graham, the photo was taken in 1867 in New Orleans. He mentions that Graham was fond of have pictures taken with other officers with the colors present.
The main subject here is of course, Graham. He is quite the character, son of a career army officer, began his career in the 1st Artillery as 2nd Lt., rising through the ranks, Colonel of the D.C. Infantry, and in 1865 was promoted by brevet, Brigadier General of Volunteers. He had seen action at Antietam, Gettysburg, and more. He remained the the Army until 1898.
Charles King, was the son of General Rufus King. He graduated from USMA in 1866, and joined this regiment shortly after. He would see service in the west, and in the Spanish American War. A novelist, with over 60 books to his credit. King’s bio is a great read.
Have not researched the others, but sure something interesting to find there.
Condition is super; fine image quality. A true study piece for seeing the uniform as it was in this period. The writing on the back is pretty much incorrect to a degree, unless put there, tongue in cheek.
Size is 4 1/4 x 6 1/2 inches.
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Weight | .75 lbs |