15th Pennsylvania / U.S. Volunteer 2nd Lt. Coat & Trousers – ID’d – SOLD

A nice quality uniform to an identified 2nd lieutenant.

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5th Pennsylvania / U.S. Volunteer 2nd Lt. Coat & Trousers.  I bought a collection of Indian thru Spanish Wars uniforms just recently and this 2nd lieutenants set of coat and trousers was in the lot. The collector could not recall any other material that went with this lot, and couldn’t remember how it was identified, other than he had researched the uniform years ago and had placed a photocopy of the unit history and a brief record of this Lieutenant’s record.
This 1895 undress coat and trousers were worn by 2nd Lt. John Walter Carnes, Co. K, 15th Penn. Infantry.  He was from Greenville, Pa, and had enlisted in April of 1898, mustered out on Jan. 31, 1899.  The 15th Penn. Headquarters, and several companies including K Co. were stationed at Sheridan Point, Virginia, initially before sent to Camp Meade, Pa. until relieved from Federal Service.  They regiment participated in the Peace Jubilee at Philadelphia in October of 1898.
The coat is very clean, and void of any mothing. The straps are Smith Patent types (having a few wrinkles from storage).  Bullion collar insignia is fine. Great lining. Overall in Excellent condition.  The trousers are also in excellent condition, with only the white stripes showing some soiling.  Both coat and trousers are now free from the moth balls that had shared a large trunk together and will have to air out some more. 

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Weight 10 lbs