1844 -Cobb’s Manual The Declaration of Independence- Constitution Etc SOLD

Pocket size booklet, printed in Newark, N.J. in 1844, first printed in 1836.

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COBB’S MANUAL; Containing The Declaration of Independence; The Constitution of the United States, Political Definitions; And Tables, showing the Population of the United States and Territories, and of the principal Cities, Towns, and Villages in the United States, agreeably to the Census of 1830.  Newark, N.J. Benjamin Olds, 1836.  (The yellow paper wraps shows this to be a 1844 edition.  34 pages.

Great reference intended for citizens to familiarize themselves with the founding documents of our nation.  Cobb’s Preface reads, “It will, no doubt, be universally admitted that nothing is or more importance to the rising generation of this country than a knowledge of the Declaration of Independence, and of the Constitution of the United States.  Yet how many young men, and even old men, there are within the United States who are nearly, if not totally, ignorant of the Constitution of their Country!  Such a state of things should not exist.

Generally in very good condition, with some separating at the fold of the yellow paper wraps.


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Weight .5 lbs