Identified 7th Cavalry Marksmanship Badges – SOLD

Cavalryman’s Revolver Prize, and 1885-1921 Sharpshooter badges, with photographs

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Identified 7th Cavalry Marksmanship Badges for Trooper Jacob B. Samuel.  The group consist of Samuel’s 1903 Revolver Prize badge in its original leather box; his 1885- 1921 Sharpshooter badge; a portrait photo showing Samuel wearing these badges, and a framed outdoor view of the 107th Cavalry taken in 1930.

The cased, engraved 1903- 1922 Revolver Prize reads on the reverse, “J.B. Samuel/ Troop A 7th Cav./ 1909.” The one inch diameter badge is suspended form a brooch with the wording, “NORTHERN” (after 1907 all brooches had this type of wording depending upon what geographical division the badge was awarded from). The badge has a white enameled target within a laurel wreath with crossed revolvers above.  The metal is silver.  The badge retains a fine untouched patina, and the fitted case shows typical wear, and fine also.

1885-1921 Sharpshooters badges were made at Rock Island Arsenal, made of silver, has no markings.  At some point the brooch pin needed repair, and a jeweler type “T” bar pin with open catch was replaced ( the pin now missing). Some of the original bright finish remains in protected areas.

Samuel’s portrait photo is 6.5 x 8.5 inches, showing him wearing these medals on his service dress uniform taken after 1912 (most likely WWI era).  The image was taken from a scrapbook, and has black paper residue remaining there.  His name is written on the back in pencil.

Finally, the larger image shows an outdoor panoramic view of Troop “K,” 107th Cavalry, Camp Perry, Ohio, 1930.  47 men are holding there Patton Sabers, probably no to much before there use was discontinued.  The frames size is 10.5  x 21.5 inches.  There is some light rippling to the image to to previous rolling, but a strong clear photo.

Research on Samuel revealed that he enlisted on August 23, 1907 at Fort Slocum, New York, into the 7th Cavalry, Troop “A” and was discharged on August 22, 1910, at Fort Riley, Kansas.  He had an excellent character and left the service in the rank of private.  Prior to enlistment, Samuel entered service from New York and was a cabinet marker.

I don’t have any details on his service time with the 107th Cavalry. There were part of the Ohio National Guard.

A nice little group.


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Weight 5 lbs