72nd Pennsylvania Infantry National Colors Fragments – SOLD

These fragments from the 72nd PA Infantry are from the Fensible Museum in Philadelphia. The 72nd was known as “Baxter’s or The Fire Zouaves” organized in 1861, in Philadelphia.

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72nd Pennsylvania Infantry National Colors Fragments including sections of the field with gold painted star on blue silk, and good portions of red silk from the stripes. This historic regiments flag was formerly in the Fensible’s Museum in Philadelphia, and were sold in small lots like this one.  The photograph of the flag shows how tattered this flag had become, as silk when exposed to it natural elements such as weather and battle condition will not remain long if not stored or conserved properly.

The 72nd Pennsylvania Infantry, also known as “Baxter’s” or “The Fire Zouaves” were organized in Philadelphia in August of 1861. They served through to June of 1864, and saw a great deal of battle at Ball’s Bluff, Savage Station, Malvern Hill, Antietam, Gettysburg, and many other engagements.

I purchased this just recently, and have left this small display as found, not wanting to further harm this great old relic.

The frame is 8 x 12 inches.

Additional information

Weight 3 lbs